Embracing Mixed Feelings: Why It’s Okay to Feel Conflicted
Have you ever experienced contrasting emotions or ‘mixed feelings’ toward something or someone? Have you ever had a hard time making a decision because you had felt both positive and negative emotions toward the decision? …Read More
Beat Procrastination Tips: 10 Science-Backed Strategies to Succeed
Procrastination is something we all experience. You certainly know the feeling – staring at a blank page, having an assignment waiting for you, delaying starting a large project, and doing everything except what you are …Read More
Stay Motivated This Year: Tips to Keep Your Drive
January is the month of new beginnings, new decisions, and new choices. For many, the month of January, looking from the distance of December feels like it’s going to be a fresh start, a blank …Read More
Ease Worrying and Anxiety: A Powerful Technique Unveiled
Are you stuck in your head? Do you feel like you are worried about anything and everything all day long? Repeating the same scenarios in your head over and over and spiraling down the hole …Read More
Rethinking Passion Search: Why It May Not Be Wise
“Do what you love and you’ll never work a day in your life!” the clichéd saying goes. However, is it really true?
There is a widespread notion in our society that following your passion is the …Read More
Coping With Holiday Depression: Finding Light in December’s Blues
The holidays are here! Yay…? While everyone around you seems joyful and excited, you may be wondering why you’re feeling so blue.
If you’re feeling depressed or anxious during this time of the year, you’re not …Read More
Change Perspective, Stop Worrying: What Others Think Doesn’t Define You
“I’d like to do that, but what would they think of me?!”
“OMG, this is so embarrassing.”
“I know I shouldn’t care about what other people think and I would love to stop but I just can’t.”
Bet …Read More
Clean Your Well-Being with SOAP
Soap’s one way we can clean our body, but did you know we can clean our mental well-being as well?
Try S.O.A.P.!
S: Social connections
O: Optimism; attitude and explanatory style
A: Appreciation and gratitude
P: Purpose and meaning; something …Read More
Perfectionism Hinders Success: Are You Your Own Obstacle?
Are you the type of person who needs to do everything in a particular way? Or perhaps things need to be “just so”. It can be tough to let it go and let things just …Read More
Repost: Chasing the Cheat’a by Solomon E. Stretch
I was browsing through my Instagram feed tonight when I came across the profile of one of my colleagues in Atlanta, Georgia. One of his blog posts about self-love caught my eye, because many of …Read More