What makes a great relationship? That’s the question many try to find the answer for, and there are numerous different answers to it. Yet, all these answers narrow down to just s few basic things, one of them being “feeling appreciated”. Dr. Gottman suggests that the happiest couples are the ones that share at least five positive things with their partner with every negative one. We talked about the 5:1 rule it in our article “Why Being Kind is Important”, so take a look.
However, here is one interesting founding about relationships. The NMP study recently indicated that sex in a relationship may be even more important than being kind to your partner. That, of course, doesn’t make kindness any less important for a good relationship. But these results emphasize how important sex in a relationship is for being happy and staying together, which many couples seem to forget. In some cases, a couple might feel like their sex life has become dull, which can cause many underlying issues in their relationship.
Sex and feeling of appreciation are inevitably connected for both partners, especially for women. Thus, what happens outside of the bedroom affects the things in the bedroom on a large scale. Here is a suggestion: why don’t you tell your partner some kind words, including how sexy they are to you?
If you want to read more about the importance of kindness and sex in a relationship, here’s a nice article: “Be Kind And Have Sex ‘Till Death Do You Part”. Enjoy!
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