If you find yourself tired after being in social situations for extended periods, you might be an introvert. It is the type of personality that gets drained by social encounters. Rather, they find energy in solitude, as opposed to extroverts, who feel energized by getting into social situations and avoid being alone.
Many misconstrue shyness with introversion, which can go together but don’t have to. Yes, introverts can be shy people who find it hard to socialize, but many introverts get into social situations easily; they just prefer not to.
Unfortunately, today’s society is designed for extroverts, which we can see in almost every system throughout our lives, from schools to workplaces. Almost the whole system discourages introverts from behaving in their natural way. Further, society is demanding socialness and talkativeness all the time. It has become a norm if you want to succeed in modern days. However, it’s not all as pessimistic as it can sound at first.
Being an Introvert Is Your Power
According to author Susan Cain, introverts are deep thinkers who contributed most of the great ideas to this world. Thus, encouraging introverts by accepting them as they are is crucial if we want to continue having revolutionary ideas and great decisions in our society.
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There’s something special about finding quiet, alone time. Letting go of all the demands, noise, and expectations we place on ourselves, and society expects, is something OK to do. Finally, it’s something necessary from time to time.
Take the next 10 minutes and enjoy the solitude.