International Women’s Day is the perfect opportunity to reflect on how far we made it in terms of moving to gender equality. For example, there are more girls in school than ever before. More women are doing paid work and in senior roles. Further, some harmful practices like female genital mutilation and child marriage have been outlawed in many countries.
However, we still have a long journey in front of us; headlines and public discourse about sexual harassment, violence, and discrimination against women remind us of it every day. Many women still suffer harsh and inhumane treatment through continuing discrimination in the workplace.
Make This International Women’s Day All About Taking Action
Our goal as a society should be to empower all women to recognize their potential and stop being afraid or ashamed. We should make our collective goal to encourage women in all settings to become aware of their rights and claim them without fear. So, this 8th of March, think about what you can do to make a small step towards making this world a better place for girls and women in your community. Think globally and act locally – you can make a huge difference.
“The story of women’s struggle for equality belongs to no single feminist nor to any one organization. It belongs to the collective efforts of all who care about human rights.”
– Gloria Steinem
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