desktop greens
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Look around you. Do you see any plants or greens? If yes, pay attention to it for a moment, and then reflect on how you feel. If no, well, think about putting some greens in your surrounding. Scientists proved that doing so can help you feel better. For real!

Studies have shown that being surrounded by nature improves our well being. As a matter of fact, plants can have such a powerful impact on us that horticulture is now also a therapeutic modality. Horticultural therapy improves cognitive, social, physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

Additionally, living in a large city without many greens can interfere with your brain performance – lower attention, worse memory and mental exhaustion. However, there’s the good news: studies also showed that just getting glimpses of green areas can improve your brain performance.  That means, even if you don’t have a chance to spend some quality time in a park, putting photos of nature as your desktop background can relieve mental exhaustion.

So, what are you waiting for? Go get your plant! If it’s not feasible to have a planter in your office, there are plenty of amazing desktop greens online; consider downloading a few of them.



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